January 30, 2014

TFS 2013 Build still supports MSTest Test Meta File (VS 2010 compatible)

If you put your BVTs in .vsmdi file in VSTS 2010 and upgrade it to VSTS 2013, we know that .vsmdi is depreciated in VSTS 2012 and VSTS 2013. If you still like to use .vsmdi file to run your tests in TFS 2013 build, you can still do it easily.

In TFS 2013 build definition, just choose MSTest Test Meta File (VS 2010 compatible) and do the configuration as you did in TFS 2010 Build. 

Queue a new build and the tests are still running smoothly.

January 27, 2014

Fix the issue: No permission to edit TFS build 2013 and build controller is unavailable

Our team just upgraded to TFS 2013 from TFS 2010. After upgraded, I had no permission to edit a new build definition successfully. The interesting part was that when I received the TFS notification email alert about build status, the build controller showed "Unavailable".  I could see  "Unavailable" default controller as well.  It is all related to security setting.

After looking into this issue, I am not a member of Project Collection Build Administrators. After my permission is added,  the above issues are going away.