SDET Blog in Seattle
March 22, 2021
Fixed the issue: Security settings do not allow this Mac to use an external startup disk: when downgrading from macOS Big Sur to Catalina
2 weeks ago, I did the system update to install Big Sur on my work laptop. Running Selenium tests in Chrome was really slow and tests failed...
July 2, 2020
How to do automated accessibility tests in Selenium?
Today one person asked me about how to do accessibility tests in Selenium. I remember after I joined this team, we used Chisel Web Selenium...
June 23, 2020
How to test localization using Selenium?
Today someone asked me about how to test localization of the Portal using Selenium. This is the good question. In our React Portal ( Mic...
June 19, 2020
CloudTest: No error message appears in the Azure Pipeline if data-driven tests fail.
Our team at Microsoft decided to use CloudTest framework to run Selenium Tests against React Portal in Azure Devops. I have developed many...
May 21, 2020
Fixed the issue in Azure Pipeline: session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 80
We deployed to Canary on May 19 in the Azure Pipeline. When running all UI automation tests in the pipeline, all failed. Here is the ...
July 31, 2019
Microsoft Azure Portal uses wrong user agent for New Edge 77. It uses Chrome 77.0
Our team at Microsoft tried to get the latest data of the browser percentage from our customers in Azure Portal. However, I don’t see th...
July 24, 2019
How to fix the error of VsTest Test Platform folder was not found in cache in Azure Pipelines?
Today I noticed that the log in UI Automation Tests had the error in the pipeline: VsTest Test Platform folder was not found in cache. ...
July 20, 2019
How to run all tests except one test in Azure Pipelines?
Last Thursday, I noticed that one UI automated test failed in Canary in Azure Pipelines. After looking into this issue, it happened in all...
July 16, 2019
How to let hundreds of E0434352.CLR errors disappear in Azure Pipelines?
We have noticed that when running UI automation tests in the Azure Pipelines, hundreds of E0434352.CLR errors appeared in the log. They lo...
June 24, 2019
How to debug the Selenium test failures against React app in Azure Devops release pipeline?
I have been working on UI Automation Tests against React App with Selenium WebDriver in my current Microsoft Project since last December, ...
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